പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Paper1 Objective Type Qns 1C 01


1.WHICH of the following statements  is not a part of  the salient features of the RPWD ACT 2016 ?

(1) The types of disabilities have been increased from existing 7 to 21.( 2) The central government will have the power to add more types of disabilities (3 ) PWD RENAMED AS  Divyangjan (4) Benchmark disability is accepted as 40% or more (5)Central and state governmnts have the responsibilty to protect the persons with difficuty from against cruelty , exploitation degrading forms of abuse and violence(7) Every child with benchmark disabilty  between the age group 6-14 years shall have the right to free education.(8) Reservation in job vacancies in govt and govt aided institutions have been increased from 3 % to 5 % for PWD WITH BENCHMARK DISABILTY.




(d) 4,5

(e) none of the above

(2)Which of the following is not included as a disability in RPWD Act 2016 ?

 blindness /low vision / leprosy cured persons /hearing impairment locomotor disability /dwarfism /intellectual disability /mental illness / autism spectrum disorder / cerebral palsy / muscular dystrophy/ chronic neurological conditions /specific learning disabilities/ multiple sclerosis /speech and language disability /thalassemia/ hemophilia / anemia /sickle cell disease/ multiple disabilities not including deaf and blind /  acid attack victims / attention deficit hyperactive disorder / attention deficit disorder / Parkinson's disease /Down syndrome 

(a)hemophilia and  anemia

(b)attention deficit hyperactive disorder,attention deficit disorder

(c)attention deficit hyperactive disorder,attention deficit disorder,Down syndrome 

(d)Down syndrome 

(e) anemia,attention deficit hyperactive disorder,attention deficit disorder,Down syndrome 

(3) India has signed this Convention on the first day of its opening and ratified it on 1st October 2007 .This Convention is  an international treaty in disability which was adopted on 13th December 2006 after 40 Years of debate and discussion among 190 member countries including India in New York.Name of  this treaty is .............

(a) ICD-10 (b) DSM-5 (c) UNCRPD (d) RPWD ACT  (e) CWSN ACT 2007

(4) Select the statement which is not true from among those given below

(a) ICD-10  is used by every nation in the world.
(b) ICD-10  is used by every nation in the world except the USA
(c) INDIA uses ICD-10.
(d) DSM -5 is used by the USA.
(e) ICD -1O is a classification of diseases and DSM 5 deals with mental disorders

(5)The definition of SLD according to IDEA is that the term means a disorder in one or more the basic psychological process involves in understanding or in using language, spoken or written that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen ,speak , read , write , spell , or to do mathematics , think calculations including conditions such as perceptual disability, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction , dyslexia and developmental aphasia.

Specific Learning disability does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of ..........................
1.visual, hearing , or motor disabilities 
3.mental retardation 
4.speech production
5.emotional disturbance 
6.of environmental , cultural or economic disadvantage.

which answer(s) are not there in the defintion according to idea

(a) 1(b)2(c)2,4(d) 2,4 and 6(e) 5

(6) A disadvantage for a given individual that limits or prevents the fulfillment of an act that is normal is ..1.. .Any loss or abnormality of psychological physiological or anatomical structure or function is .....2... .Any restriction  to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being is ....3.......

The missing terms in the order 1,2,3 are  ...................

(a) a  disability  ,a handicap ,an impairment .
(b)  a handicap ,an impairment,a  disability  .
(c) an impairment,a disability ,a handicap .
(d) a handicap ,a  disability ,an impairment.
(e) an impairment,a handicap ,a  disability .
(7) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen)  / limitation of the fied vision  subtending an angle of 10 degree or worse is........

(a) blindness (b) low vision (c) normal vision(d) severe (e) none of these

(8) By W H O standard ,moderate /low  vision is with corrected VA (BETTER EYE) between ........
(a) 6/6-6/18(b)6/60-3/60(c)3/60-1/60 (d) 6/18-6/60 (e) none of these.

(9)    Read the given statements.(1) The classification of hearing loss in decibell is 15-26 ; 26-40; 41-55,56-70,70-95,more than 95. (2)  Persons with IQ 60-69 are termed as having borderline intellectual disability (3) if a child does not respond to name calling or voice by the first 4 months, the child can be assumed to have delayed development(as per NIMH screening schedule)

Now evaluate the above statements.
(a) All are true (b)1,2 are true (c)only 2 is true (d) 1,3 are true. (e) All are false.

(10) The last Sunday of January every year  is observed as world  Leprosy Day,March 3 as world hearing day and Dec 3  is observed as..............................

(a) World sight day (b)International Day of Persons with Disabilities(c)International Day of Persons with MR (d) International Day of Persons with Down Syndrome (e) none of these.

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