പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 PAPER 6 QNS  click here


Answers to  Paper 6 UPDATED on 07 08 2022

(trial mode.For discussion only.To be  verified wrt SRC )

1.B. 2.A.3.B 4.B .5.A .6.C . 7.D .8.A. 9.B .10.D .11.B .12.B. 13.B.14.C .15.D .16.D.17.D.18.D.19.D.20.D 

21.D. 22.A .23.A 24.D .25.D .26.C . 27.C .28.A. 29.B .30.D .31.A.32.B. 33.C.34.B .35.D .36.A.37.B.38.C.39.A.40.D 

41.D. 42.A.43.NO ANSWER 44.B.45.C .46.C . 47.A .48.D. 49.D .50.D .51.D .52.A. 53.T.54.F .55.T.56.T.57.T.58.T.59.F.60.F


THE QUESTIONS were generally thought provoking and good enough to the test the knowledge available from the notes and the text books.They compel us to re-read the text again and help us to understand many simple but important ideas which we missed while reading for the examination.

But a few questions contained factual errors or syntax/ spelling errors . More care shoud have been paid while preparing the questions, especially, when they are MCQs.

There were no model MCQ questions made available to the students for reference before the examination. Even the mock test did not contain any questions from the prescribed syllabus . 

The SRC should see that at least 100  model MCQ questions/  A QUESTION BANK  for each module should be published  well before the examinations .

QUESTIONS WITH  ERRORS- 10,19,30,31,43

10.Which is not a principle i the list of  4 core rights approved by the UN rights of the child,1989.(n in " in "missing !)

1.Non discrimination 

2.resect for the view of the child. resect means "cut out ".

This option  will confuse any one as the question is to find out the odd one out. 

3.the right to life ,survival and development.

4.the right to include in any religion.syntax error here. it should be :the right to join  any religion or the right to be  included in any religion

19. "Which one" of ...... ............ when the right answer could be  a ocmbination of 2 or more  choices  ,the term "Which of " is suitable."Which one" is confusing  and misleading.

30.Teachers and key  staff are to be trained in -------

( first and CPR ;basics of counselling ; identification of disabilities ; mal planning for midday meals ;a and b shown above .)

1. What is the "first' meant here : first aid ?

2.What is "mal planning " .....?

31.WHICH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING is to be ensured in a school for the academic excellence of the CWSN ?

Taking textbooks ,Reading machines and computers with spe ch software ;

sin language intrepreters and transcription devices ,

..............., ;

 ...........   ;

1Every choice is a RIGHT  answer here .BUT THE QUESTION IS "WHICH ONE..."instead of "Which of ...." This could  confuse a  careful reader . 

2.spelling errors which is likely to distract the candidates in 3 words of 2 answers. taking for talking,spech for speech , sin for sign. ( I THINK THIS IS REALLY A SIN !)

Factual Error

43.What should be the minimum space required for a child in a classroom ? - . ( The choices are 6 feet , 3 square feet , 6 square feet , 10 feet). The answer is 10  square feet .)

 ഒരു കുട്ടിക്ക്  10 feet എന്നത് ശരിയാകില്ല. Space ന്റെ അളവ് ( area )  Square feet/ Square meter എന്നീ യൂനിറ്റുകളിൽ ആണ് പറയേണ്ടത് .

 feet എന്നു മാത്രം പറയുമ്പോൾ അത് ഒരു അകലം (distance / length) മാത്രമാണ്. 40 കുട്ടികൾ ഉള്ള ക്ലാസുമുറിയുടെ Space അങ്ങിനെയാണെങ്കിൽ 40 x 10 feet = 400 feet എന്നാണ് പറയേണ്ടത്. പക്ഷെ പറയുന്നത് 400 Square feet എന്നാണ്. 400/40 = 10 Square feet  ആണ് ഉത്തരം.

 10 Square feet space കിട്ടാൻ 3.3 ft X 3ft അളവിൽ ചതുരാകൃതിയുള്ള ഇടം മതി. അല്ലാതെ  10ft X 10ft അളവ് വേണ്ട.( അത് 100 Sq ft നു തുല്യമാണ് )

 അതു കൊണ്ട് ഈ ചോദ്യത്തിന്റെ ശരിയായ ഉത്തരം  തന്ന ചോയ്സുകളിൽ ഇല്ല. അതിന്മേൽ ശരിയായ തീരുമാനം ഉണ്ടാകേണ്ടതുണ്ട്.


PAPER 7 QN paper  : click here


(trial mode.For discussion only.To be  verified wrt SRC )

1.D. 2.D.3. B 4.C .5.B .6.D . 7.A .8.A 9.A.10.A .11.B .12.D. 13.C.14.B .15.B .16.B.17.A.18.D.19.B.20.D

21.B. 22.C .23.D 24.D .25.B .26.B . 27.B .28.B 29.C .30.A .31.D .32.C. 33.A.34.D .35.D .36.C.37.D.38.C.39.D.40.A 

41.A. 42.B.43.D 44.B.45.D .46.C. 47.A .48.B. 49.B .50.D .51.A .52.C. 53.B.54.A .55.T.56.F.57.T.58.T.59.F.60.T



5.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS reflect the process of memory ?

There is a fifth option as  answer  which is incomplete, beginning with the word

"other................".The purpose of this option is not clear.

11.The third opton of this question is "it I a test of forgetting homework- of important matters." 

There is a  letter missing , punctuation error and moreover totally the sentence is meaningless .

28.The fourth option given is " have the features of eating more" . There is a grammatical error in the sentence . It should be "has the features  of eating more".( The subject implied is   "depression" /" a student with depression...". )

44.option (a)- additional word "the", option (d) spelling error in the word "laves" (leaves)

60.Working memory problem can be identifed buy a simpl test;it need not any clinical evluation.

1."buy" should be "by" here.

2.spelling error in the word "simpl."

3.There is grammatical error in the part ," it need not ....". "It does not need any clinical evaluation. / it needs no clinical evaluation " is acceptable.

4.Giving 2 main sentences in one question   to check  whether "true or false " is not good.

Factual Errors

25. A qn on disagreeing with a measure for managing the agressive behaviour of a 10 year old.

There are 2 possible right answers.

Option (b)give more physical activities  or (d) rewards and recognitions

Both answers are debatable. Depends on what kind of physical work is given-which  the child likes or not / rewards given- which the child bargains for or for a positive response.

The options had to be more specific.

Britannica Dictionary definition of REWARD
: money or another kind of payment that is given or received for something that has been done or that is offered for something that might be done

recognition can be positve or negative.

Tailpiece : 

Sorry for my confabulations on the question paper.Perhaps it is my proactive interfernce issues or may be it is my retrospective interference , who knows !. I should  have learnt everything by "brevitos and divisio". By the way , will any one tell me from where this "Alma Ata declaration" come from ? From your notes or the module ? -CKR

Read  Alma Ata declaration here

Paper 6 :  Selected  Questions 

1.Q1 :'Trivandrum development screening charges for identifying developmental delay of children aged .....years .

0-2 ,0-3,0-6,0-5 

 2.Q6 :During which stage important changes happen in the brain : 

fetal stage ,neural tube stage,embryoni

c stage , germinal stage... 

3.Q7 : Police verification of staff is necessary for the safety of ---- 

playground and sports activities, transportation ,laboratory safety, a and b. 

4.Q8 : Which one of the following is a characteristic of bright children -

- answer questions  in order to receive price extremely 

-high achievements in some subject area and not so much in other areas 

-do well the class work with little effort of an effort 

- learns independently...... 

5.Q10 :Which is not a principle 1 in  list of four core rides approved by the UN convention on the rights of the child 1989..

 Non discrimination 

 Respect for the view of the child

 The right to life survival and development

 The right to include in any religion..... 

6.Q11 :What is not an important duty of the school safety monitoring committee 

-prepare a medical response 

-plan conducted cross for parents regarding the safety of children 

-orient  the children about various issues of safety and security of the school 

-taking precautions against ragging and bullying...... 

7.Q19. Which one of the following strategies is advised by the CBSE to schools to create a favourable climate free from fear anxiety and stress for children.. 

-Provide 20 sessions or psychological sessions to every student at secondary stage 

-awareness lessons and activities about human rights respect for diversity and equality from primary classes  and life skill education from class 6 to 8 

-mentioning the behaviour pattern of the student and the character in the school leaving certificate 

all the above items... '.. 

8.Q25.Which one of the following areas of development is to be observed at a later stage 

-physical and motor development 

-cognitive and intellectual development 

-language and speech development 

-social development... 

9.Q27. Which one of the following is THE MOST  important aspect of first aid ?

A.people feel secure 

B.promoting the sense of safety 

C.preservatives condition from becoming worse and

D. shows quick treatment....

10.Q30.Teachers and key staff are to be  trained in....

-first aid and CPR 

-basics of counselling  and identification of disability 

-mal planning for mid day meals 

-a and b above 

11.Q40: In the case of children with disabilities which safety is comparatively more important ?

safety in the classroom and  school ground , transport safety , physical safety , emotional and personal safety...

 12.Q41 : What should be the window area compared to the floor area of a classroom ?

 -50% of the floor area 

-20% of the floor area 

-30% of the floor area 

-25% of the floor area....

 13.Q48 :When the school Management Committee checked the health and sanitation in a school having 500 girls and 400 ,they saw that the girls have 10  toilets and boys, 9 toilets with enough water facility and safety lights and ventilation ,child friendly latch, privacy and water facility arrangement for menstrual hygiene and waste management.. 

Which one of the following suggestions should be given by the committee to the School authorities according to the NCPCR guidelines ?... 

-Girls need additional three toilet and boys need one more and an additional toilet for CWSN

 -needed one cwsn friendly toilet in addition to the existing toilets

 -need one insinator  in the toilet block of girls and a private space for changing 

-need a and c.....

 14.Q43: What should be the minimum space required for a child in the classroom ?

-6 feet, 3 square feet ,6 square feet ,10 feet.. 

15.Q.54:.Which one of the following is more important for the safety of children against sexual abuse..?.

 -Recruitment and verification protocol and procedure in the case of teachig staff

 -Grievance Committee on csca and four score at the 2012 

-Sensitization of teaching and non-teaching staff, 

-Display of a poster on child safety in important location of the school.. 

16.Q56 :Which one of the following is a perinatal problem that affect child development.....

 -mothers' use of alcohol or  tobacco 


-infection like poliomiletes and encephalities 

-obstetric complications... 

17 Q52 :What will be the annual height growth of a child from second year upto the adolescence spurt... 

-5 to 6 cm per year 

-8 to 10 cm per year 

-for 50% of their birth length per year.

-10 to 12 cm per year 

18.Q56:Development proceeds from heteronomy to autonomy. True or False... 

19. Q60:IN a small  school there are 100 students including 4 CWSN . A child with a disability applies for admission. The new principal denied it .Will this denial invite disciplinary action against a new principal ?

True or False 

For answers go to the link given above for paper 6

Paper 7 selected questions

1.QQ3: What are Immediate Early Genes (IEG's)? *

-A set of early genes take part in the formation of a zygote ;

 -A set of genes rapidly express in the brain during a new learning experience.;

-A set of genes work together in developing early language skills;

-A new set of genes seen in new born babies immediately after birth

2.QQ9:What is proactive interference? 

Older memories prohibits the newer memories

 Newer memories interfere with the retrieval of older memories

 Interference which creates a backward effect

 Difficulty to memorise proper words or phrases

3.QQ13: Counselling is a face-to-face relationship in which growth takes place in the counseller as well as the counselle.Who made this observation ?

Harriman ,J A Kelley ,Ruth Strang , C.M.Miller

4.QQ17:What is the main implication of the Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve for teachers and students ?

To memorise matters we learned ;We should repeat or rehearse them at least 5-6

times ;  To teach somebody is the best way to retrieve declarative memory It is difficult to memorise all things that we learn from the class ;

We will forget 48% of what we learned, after a period of 20 minutes and 67% after

one day.

5.QQ20:What is the best rehabilitation solution for the type of persons with severe disabilities?

 Institution Based Rehabilitation (IBR),Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

 Outreach programme for Rehabilitation (OPR);(a) and (b) shown above

6.QQ23:Rituraj is a student with severe motor disability and mobility problem with comorbid learning disability. What kind of educational rehabilitation programme should be given to him?

Institution Based Rehabilitation (IBR) ,

Home based Rehabilitation,

Community Based Rehabilitation (BRR),

Outreach programme for rehabilitation


7.QQ25: A 10-year-old child often behaves aggressively in the classroom. Teachers put

some suggestions to manage them. If you disagree with any of these, select them.

Stay calm ,

Give more physical activities ,

Know the child's patterns and identify triggers.,

Rewards and recognition

8.QQ34:What was the content of the "Alma Alta Declaration 1978"of WHO?

Establishing rehabilitation centers in all capitals of nations? ,

Establishing special schools with therapy and nursing care in the developed countries

 Establishing rehabilitation centers through missionaries ,

Shifting support from city based hospitals and institutions to the community rehabilitation services and outreach services .

9.QQ38:A student identified with 'Developmental disorder with impairment in writing' got       intensive education, IEP, specially trained teachers, Accommodations, supplementary A.T. services etc. What additional helps are needed?

Intervention ,Advocacy support ,Remediation,Writing training

10.QQ39 :Which one of the following is NOT included in the set of principles developed byEbbinghaus regarding encoding, storage and retrieval ? 

Interference , Organization , Elaboration ,Recording

11.QQ43:According to 'Levels of processing Model' which type of processing creates

strong memory traces?

Semantic elaboration,Maintenance rehearsal,

Acoustic detailing,Structural Detailing

12.QQ48:What kind of a rehabilitation is needed for a High school student with depression * and behaviour disorder ?

Medical rehabilitation ,  Psychosocial rehabilitation , 

Educational rehabilitation ,Physical rehabilitation

13.QQ50:One person who learned cycling long ago, can ride a bicycle with a few attempts.  *

Which memory is helping him for this riding

Associative memory,Episodic memory,

Non associative memory,Procedural memory

14.QQ53:A political leader is addressing a big gathering. He quotes fluently some jokes,

idioms and phrases to support his ideas to the public. In this, which type of memory he utilizes?

Iconic memory,Semantic memory,

Episodic memory,Echoic memory


Working memory problem can be identified buy a simpl test; it need not any

clinical evaluation TRUE /FALSE 

For answers go to the link given above for paper 7

Friday, July 22, 2022




SAMPLE MCQ EXAM:               

Date: 20.07.2022               Time: 07.00 pm to 7.30pm                         Total mark: 15


1. There are 15 MCQs in this test. Each question carries one mark. Total 15.

2. The total time allowed for this test is 25 mts. You can take 5 minutes more for checking and submitting the test if there is any problems. But you should inform this to the exam help desk in the Number:

3. There are 4 answer options for each question. Read carefully each question and select the most appropriate oval of the correct option.

4. After selecting the answer of all questions you can recheck, revise or change any answer before 'submitting'. Once it is submitted, you cannot revise it.

5. Precaution: It is better to keep a paper with Numbers 1 to  15  to note down the letter of correct options you selected / changed so that if any net issues or unexpected loss of data, happens, you can immediately click all the answers once again with the help of your paper.

Best wishes!


1.            Which of the following statement is not true?

a)      IEP is based on the age of the child

b)      IEP is based on the result of assessment of the child

c)       IEP is a base for the child’s educational program

d)      IEP reflects the child’s individual and unique needs

2.            When preparing IEP for children with learning disabilities, there must be emphasis on generality and ease of integration. Another required necessity is

a)      Functionality

b)      Accountability

c)       Measurability

d)      Reliability

3. Anand, a 10-year-old boy who has been given intervention in learning disability is facing an issue of constructing, organizing and sequencing ideas while writing short answers. Which one of the below given programs would help him to do better?

a)      Reading simple books/ essays

b)      Providing an idea solution outline

c)       Providing advance organizers

d)      Providing Graphic organizers

4. A child favors one eye more than the other when looking at a book. Eyes are tearing excessively and squints or blinks when looking to his note book or to the black board. What would be your first assumption regarding the problem of that child? 

a)      The child may have Reading Disability or any other SLD

b)      The child may have Vision Problem

c)       The child may have mild problem of ASD

d)      The child may have ADHD or Mental stress

5.  Below mentioned statements are some teaching techniques for adaptation. For which disorder these techniques are used to?  

Provide a “sample” of what the finished paper should look like. 

Omit assignments that require copying in a timed situation. 

Use graphic organizers-Venn diagram, web, brainstorm sheet, etc.

Add editing support through spell checkers, grammar checkers, and text to speech support

a)      Reading disorder

b)      Mathematics disorder

c)       Writing disorder

d)      Spelling disorder


6. A student in the 10th standard who is sitting for the open school final examination was permitted to take home science as a subject instead of Mathematics. This permission is under the provision of,

a)      Special education

b)      Modification

c)       Rights of children

d)      Accomodation

7. A four year old girl shows milestone delays in walking, speaking, self-dressing, thinking and remembering. What disability would you suspect first?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

a)      Intellectual Disability

b)      Motor coordination disorder

c)       Developmental delay

8. Which one of the following tool will be used to assess the learning disability of a 10 year old child?

a)      Weschler's intelligence scale for children IV

b)      Weschler's intelligence scale for children V

c)       NIMHANS index level I

d)      NIMHANS index level II


9. Three teachers gave different activities as intervention for children with specific reading disorder.  Which one among the following strategies may produce the LEAST outcome?

a)      giving extra work for writing and reading

b)      direct instruction;

c)       learning strategy instruction;

d)      Starting from the basics at the level of the child

10. “Preparation for learning means learners have addressed the following five areas to function effectively: Hydration, Diet (glucose), Exercise, Sleep, and Oxygen”. Which learning theory suggests this?

a)      Cognitive Information Processing theory

b)      Person centered learning theory

c)       Neurological theory of learning

d)      Brain Based learning

11. Which method of education is described in the following paragraph?                                        “This method of teaching has flexible groups as the heart of the program.  The same students are not in the same group for every activity or assignment. Each student is moved around according to his/her abilities. Teachers design their lessons around the needs of each group. For example, one group might write a paragraph after listening to a reading portion, while another group puts on a skit. A third group might create a poster or an art project to show what they’ve learned. Students may read books on topics that are closely matched to their reading levels.”

a)      Individualized education

b)      Team teaching method

c)       Differentiated instruction

d)      Cooperative learning

12. Which one of the following is NOT suited to the description of Interventions?

a)      They’re intentional—aimed at a particular weakness.

b)      They’re specific and formal. It lasts for a week or a month and is reviewed at certain intervals

c)       They include a time bound plan, success criteria, evaluation and reporting

d)      They are extra support to fill the gaps and catch up with their peers and eliminate the need for referral

13. In a reading test a student has read 60 words correctly out of the total 65 words in a paragraph within 60 seconds. What is his wpm (Word per minute)?

a)      55

b)      60

c)       95

d)      105

14. How do you mark the errors seen in a notebook like “qast for past, bog for dog, and deb for bed”?

a)      Letter reversals,

b)      Lateral inversions

c)       substitutions

d)      Mirror writing

15. “...........……It is a disorder which is usually characterized by a significant discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial and social skills. This disability affects more in the right brain.” Even though this disability is not included in the DSM5, neuro psychologists are increasingly recognizing this.  Which disability is this?

a)      Non Verbal Learning disability)

b)      Visual processing disorder

c)       Visual perceptual/Visual motor deficit

d)      Sensory perceptual disorder