പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.



video class on RPwD ACT 2016

SONG to memorise 21 DISABILITIES in RPwD ACT  (for more details click here)



11.15 What are 'specific learning disabilities'? How can teachers detect it in children? 

Some children may have difficulty reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, recalling and/or organizing information. They may not have a problem in all areas but only in some aspects of learning. For example, one child may struggle with reading and spelling, but may be good with orally explaining concepts. Another child may have difficulty understanding what the others are saying or communicating (speaking) but can comprehend written information well, and so on. The problems could be very different, but they all are categorised as learning disabilities. Some professionals explain learning disability as resulting from a difference in the way a person's brain is "wired". A learning disability usually can't be cured or fixed and it may be a lifelong issue. However, with the right support and intervention, children with learning disabilities can succeed in school and can have successful careers.

 Some of the indications of learning disability that teachers/parents can be alert to are:

1. Difficulty with reading and/or writing 

2. Problems with math skills 

3. Difficulty remembering 

4. Problems paying attention 

5. Trouble following directions 

6. Poor coordination 

7. Difficulty with concepts related to time 

8. Problems staying organised 

9. Difficulty finding the right way 

10. Inconsistent school performance 

11. Trouble finding the right word 

There are assessments that could indicate if the child has a specific learning disability. However, the intent of the assessment should not be to diagnose or label a child but should be to understand the child's strengths and educational needs, including the learning style of the child and the modifications that should be done in the teaching methodology.


What suitable pedagogical and other measures can be taken for supporting children with learning disabilities in the classroom? 

As children learn in a number of different ways, there is no single method for helping all children with learning disabilities. As mentioned previously, make accommodations as natural as possible so that the individual is not singled out in front of her or his peers. 

Following are some useful tips to follow which would help all children and particularly children with learning difficulties: 

Understand the student's learning style (visual/aural/kinesthetic, etc.) and how she/he best expresses what she/he knows. For example, visual learners benefit most from seeing what they are learning, as they have strong visual processing skills. 

Graphs, pictorial representations, diagrams, mind mapping and charts are all handy learning tools, since they are able to visually recall them in order to sort, process and recall the information they need.

 If writing is a challenge, offer alternatives such as working with another person, recording what she/he wants to share, letting the person verbalize ideas and responses, using computers, using assistive technologies like speech to text, etc. 

Support from caring teachers helps to build motivation, get better insights into one's strengths, talents and needs and therefore contributes to a student having an improved self-image. 

Provide practice in asking for help when children are "stuck". 

Everyone should be encouraged to view mistakes as a normal part of learning that provide opportunities to self-correct and improve. 

Recognizing progress through graphs, by setting goals and tracking progress, discussing useful and unproductive strategies and celebrating success.

 Discourage comparisons with others and reinforce the truth that everyone has personal strengths and weaknesses.

 Focus on passions, strengths and talents as a way to highlight different types of talent and intelligence.

 Provide individual choices and give skill-appropriate responsibilities.


11.17 What mandates are given for teachers training in the Act? 

The law requires the appropriate government agency (in this case it is the Ministry of Human Resource Development) to take the following measures: 

1. Establish an adequate number of teacher training institutions. 

2. Train and employ teachers (including those with disabilities) who are proficient in sign language, Braille and in being able to teach children with intellectual disabilities. 

3. Train professionals (professionals such as occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, counsellors, etc.) and staff so that they are able to support inclusive education at all levels of school education.

 4. Conduct training programmes for sports teachers on how to conduct sports, games, adventure activities etc for children with disabilities. 

5. Disability as a component should be included in all education courses for university teachers, asha workers, anganwadi workers, etc


11.18 Are there any provisions for creating awareness among students regarding disability? 

Following are some of the provisions in the Act with regard to creating awareness among students with disabilities: 

1. Orientation and sensitisation should be done at the school, college, university and professional level on the rights of persons with disabilities.

 2. The rights of persons with disabilities are included in the curriculum in Universities, colleges and schools. 

11.19 Specialised services may be required for teaching children with certain disabilities? 

How is that being addressed in the law?

 The law requires the government to establish an adequate number of resource centres to support educational institutions at all levels of school education. Such a resource centre should have the expertise and knowledge to facilitate interventions, accommodations and supports that may be required for a student with disability. Some of the features of a resource centre are: It caters to people with all disabilities. It has trained professionals who can do needs based assessments and who facilitate the development of individualised education plans. They should also be able to provide necessary training/support to teachers and parents. They could also have visiting professionals, like speech therapists etc. on their rolls for offering more specialised services if the need arises. It provides early intervention and prepares children for inclusive education. It has appropriate equipment, tools and technologies (including low cost options), educational materials that will help and guide teachers and other school staff in fulfilling the goals of inclusive education. The professionals and staff attached to the centre should understand the rights of children with disabilities and ensure that they provide services accordingly. They should also empower children so that they are able to fully articulate their needs

11.20 What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)? 

AAC SYSTEMS ARE DIVERSE. THEY COULD BE UNAIDED OR AIDED COMMUNICATION. Unaided AAC uses no equipment and includes using sign language and body language, while aided approaches use external tools. 

Aided communication methods can range from paper and pencil to communication books or boards to devices that can produce voice output and/or written output, etc. 

The symbols used in AAC include gestures, photographs, pictures, line drawings, letters and words, which can be used alone or in appropriate combinations. Body parts, pointers, adapted mice, or eye tracking can be used to select target symbols directly. Switch access scanning is often used for indirect selection. 

There are also technologies like 'word prediction', etc. which increases the speed of communication. The law says that the government should promote the use of "appropriate augmentative and alternative modes including means and formats of communication". 

In order to promote AAC, the government could: Employ professionals with knowledge of AAC or train them if need be. Equip resource centres with various technologies for people to try and learn. Provide grants for people to buy the technologies. Promote research to develop technologies to suit various needs and encourage being in touch with updates to existing technologies and new technologies.


11.21 Does the law talk about modifications to the curriculum and examination system? 

Yes, the law requires the government to make modifications in the curriculum and examination system. Some examples have also been cited in law which includes the following (note that these are just a small set of possible solutions, hence more can be added): Provide extra time for writing exams to students with disabilities who need it. Provide a writer and/or reader to blind students and other students with disabilities who may need it. Exempt students with disability from studying second and third languages.

11.22 The law requires the government to promote, protect and ensure participation in Continuous Education Programme (CEP). What does it mean? 


 1. Ensure non-discrimination and inclusion in all adult education programmes and CEPs run by government, private and civil society organisations. 

2. Initiate certain exclusive programmes for people with disabilities based on need (for example, programmes promoting functional literacy can be promoted, etc.). 

3. Provide grants to organisations who promote adult education for people with disabilities.

video class on RPwD ACT 2016


 Salient features of  RPw D act :

 Important features are given on text Page 5-6 with no. 1- 6( module 1 )

1)RPw D act has effected many important changes in our approach in management of the Learning Disabilities.
eg - change in the language used to describe CWSN ( WE DON'T SAY "autistic boy" .We must say a boy with autism 
2) RPw D ( The Rights of Persons with Disabilities )ACT 2016 effective in INDIA since 1-1-2017 - UN CONVENTION ( UNCRPD 2006)183 countries  2008 -to be effected within 10 years
3) Disabilities  increased to existing 7 to 21
- blindness അന്ധത 
-low vision കുറഞ്ഞ കാഴ്ച 
-hearing impairment കേൾവിക്ക്  തകരാറ് 
-loco motor disability (disability related with bones, joints and muscles.) ശരീര ശേഷി യില്ലായ്മ 
-mental retardation മാനസിക മന്ദത 
-mental illness മാനസിക രോഗം 
-leprosy cured കുഷ്ഠരോഗം മാറിയവർ for the new list ..refer PAGE 6 ,Module 1)
autism- symptoms- no social contacts or communication- no eye to eye contact-no use of language-no cohesive behaviour-


* FULFILLS THE obligations of UNCRPD
* gives the rights of entitlements of the PWD s quoted as ദിവ്യാങ് ജ ൻസ് -"divyangjans" in hindi
*it is a right based act
* it provides effective mechanisms for ensuring their empowerment and true inclusion in the society

* it speaks about remediation ( eg - there is a circular in CBSE schools to start a seperate department for eduvaction of CSN )


*   SOCIAL MODEL vs medical model

The act respects  diversity and differences
 *autonomy and decision making
* a PWD " termed as a divyangjan" has right for 
-legal capacity,
-equal recognition,
-reasonable accomodation
if her /his parent does not take care of the PWD,the collector (in the position of the district magistrate) has to be in charge of the person

* provision for removal of social /physical /economical/cultural/ attitudinal /and environmenta barriers
* no strict definition of disability ( it is just a concept.more issues may be : rape vicitims,acid attack victims)
note : transgenders are persons with specian rights and they need not be included in PWD

* PROVIDES FOR RESERVATIONS IN JOBS-4 % and first turn in appointment-still only one percent is not included in PSC
PWD.....not defined only in terms of a lack of a certain level of .....

legal capacity

*right to status as a person with a capacity to
- enter a contract
-participation in political life
-live in society
-reproductive rights
-assistance of the state in child rearing



1.What are the main concepts of the RPw D act ?
2.What is the new  relevance of the RPw D act ?
3.Write 6 important features of the RPw D act.
4.Which are the 21 disabilities featured in the new  RPw D act ?
5.What are the penalties imposed in the the RPw D act to remove           social barriers ?
6.Write a note on the criticism angainst the new RPw D act.


1.WHICH of the following statements  is not a part of  the salient features of the RPWD ACT 2016 ?

(1) The types of disabilities have been increased from existing 7 to 21.( 2) The central government will have the power to add more types of disabilities (3 ) PWD RENAMED AS  Divyangjan (4) Benchmark disability is accepted as 40% or more (5)Central and state governmnts have the responsibilty to protect the persons with difficuty from against cruelty , exploitation degrading forms of abuse and violence(7) Every child with benchmark disabilty  between the age group 6-14 years shall have the right to free education.(8) Reservation in job vacancies in govt and govt aided institutions have been increased from 3 % to 5 % for PWD WITH BENCHMARK DISABILTY.




(d) 4,5

(e) none of the above


2.(2)Which of the following is not included as a disability in RPWD Act 2016 ?

 blindness /low vision / leprosy cured persons /hearing impairment locomotor disability /dwarfism /intellectual disability /mental illness / autism spectrum disorder / cerebral palsy / muscular dystrophy/ chronic neurological conditions /specific learning disabilities/ multiple sclerosis /speech and language disability /thalassemia/ hemophilia / anemia /sickle cell disease/ multiple disabilities not including deaf and blind /  acid attack victims / attention deficit hyperactive disorder / attention deficit disorder / Parkinson's disease /Down syndrome 

(a)hemophilia and  anemia

(b)attention deficit hyperactive disorder,attention deficit disorder

(c)attention deficit hyperactive disorder,attention deficit disorder,Down syndrome 

(d)Down syndrome 

(e) anemia,attention deficit hyperactive disorder,attention deficit disorder,Down syndrome 


3) India has signed this Convention on the first day of its opening and ratified it on 1st October 2007 .This Convention is  an international treaty in disability which was adopted on 13th December 2006 after 40 Years of debate and discussion among 190 member countries including India in New York.Name of  this treaty is .............

(a) ICD-10 (b) DSM-5 (c) UNCRPD (d) RPWD ACT  (e) CWSN ACT 2007
4.One of these signs are not a necessary condition for Intellectual Disability.IDENTIFY it.

1.Deficits in general mental abilities

2.Impairment in adaptive functioning for the individual's age social ,cultural background 

3.All symptoms must have been inserted during the developmental stage.

4.Substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs 

5.IQ is 70 or below

Answer :(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3 (e) 1 


5.The main symptoms of Down syndrome is  given below.One of them is not observed in every case.Find it out.

1.depression and abrupt mood changes 2.flat face and short neck 3.below average intelligence 4.loose joints and low muscle tone 5. eyes slanting,small mouth and eyes.

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) (d) 4 (e) 5


6.The gov. of India passed the PWD Act in

a. 1st january 1996

b. 1st oct. 2007

c. 13 Dec. 2006

d. 3rd may 2008


7.C.P and spina bifida  can be caused by 

A. Hormonal abnormality

B. The result of an injury

C. Genetical factors

D. Abnormal brain growth.


8. The limitation of action and functions of the visual system is

A.low vision

B. Blindness


D. Visual impairment 


9.The gov. of India passed the PWD Act in

a. 1st january 1996

b. 1st oct. 2007

c. 13 Dec. 2006

d. 3rd may 2008


10.International day of persons with disability

a. Dec.3

b. March 13

c. 9 may


11.When did the Indian Lok sabha pass "The Rights of person with disability")?

(16/12/2016. 14/12/ 2016, 30/3/2007)


 12. The central government will have the power to add ..........types of  disabilities.

(7,21,12,any number of )


13.Some of the  newly included disabilities in RPWD ACT 2016 in addition to those included in PWD Act 95 are

(1).Autism spectrum disorder 

(2).Sickle cell anemia 


(4).Attention deficit hyperactive disorder

(5).Parkinson's disease

Select your answer from the following

( a ) 1 ,3 and 5 (b)  2,3 and 4 (c) 3 and 4 (d) all (e) 1,2 and 5


14.A waddling gait ,pain and stiffness in the muscles,  difficulty with running and jumping , walking on toes ,difficulty sitting up or standing ,learning disability such as developing speech later than usual ,frequent falls , inability to walk , a shortening of muscles and tendons , severe breathing problems  are all symptoms of .................

( a ) multiple sclerosis (b)  multiple disabilities (c)muscular dystrophy (d) locomotor disability (e) cerebral palsy


15.Which of the following is not a  major mental disorder which leads to disability ?

( a ) Dementia (b) Schizofrenia (c)Mental retardation (d) obsessive compulsive disorder (e) Bipolar disorder


16.Which of the following is not a  neurological disorder which leads to disability ?

( a ) Alzheimer's disease (b) Cerebral palsy(c) Parkinsons disease (d) Down syndrome (e) Migraine.


17.CP  is caused in most people  by....................

( a ) brain injury / abnormal braingrowth (b) birth complications (c) loco motor disability(d) cerebral infections (e)genetically


18.  "  All of you listen !  There is a special programme for the dylexic and other disabled children. " .This statement does not follow " the people first "norm .     true / false 


19.All the children with disabilities  aged between 6 to 18 will recieve free education and reservation  according to RPWD ACT 2016.    true / false 


20.The disabilities of Down Syndrome is similar to ..........................

(a) ID (b) M S.  (c) M D


21.A 4 year old plays herself and has not responded to others. But after sometIme she may respond. She has achieved milestones in walking ,self eating ,self playing She observes small creatures very keenly and  make certain sounds regularly. She likes to carry a toy and tap on it always.What disability would you suspect first...

(a) I D (b) A S D (c) ADHD

22.Anxiety disorder and depression will come under the category of ............  

(a) Mental illness (b) A S D  (c) Fetal alcohol syndrome 

23.The only disability item  is visible even after the curing is . ................

(a) leprosy (b)  mental illness (c) developmental delays23.

24.Which one of the following is a neurological and neurodevelopmental disorder  ?

(a) I D (b) M D  (c) M S

25.In India dwarfism is confirmed if a person has a height up to or less than 

(a) 3 ft (b) 3 and 1/2 feet for feet....  (c) 4 feet 

26.Which of the following is not a mental illness

(a) anxiety disorder (b) depession  (c) Parkinson's Disease

27.Mental illness is not completely curable 

true or false...  .

28..Is it legal to marry a person with a 40% mental disability 

yes or no.

29.The I Q  level of the person with the moderate intellectual disability is roughly between – ,  

(a) 35 - 54 (b) 55 -69  (c) 72-85


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