പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Thursday, July 21, 2022



1. The CMS is a widely used instrument for assessing memory in children aged between .......years .

0-5 , 5-16,16-90,2-20

2. The WECHLOR  memory scale edition  4 is a memory test used for children.TRUE OR FALSE

3. Indian version is available for WMS -IV.TRUE OR FALSE

4.The famous book "The Art of Memory"  written by "Francis Yeates" provides many techniques for memorizing.TRUE OR FALSE 

5.Body file system is  very effective assistance for remembering all points in a speech..TRUE OR FALSE

 6.Acrostics and acronyms are famous mesmerization techniques for academic purpose. TRUE OR FALSE

7.Sleep plays a very important role in memory consolidation.TRUE OR FALSE

 8.Bright screen is to be avoided before sleep. TRUE OR FALSE

9..The vitamin D level required for normal memory is 20 Grams per milliltre . TRUE OR FALSE

10.The curcumin in turmeric is good for memory. TRUE OR FALSE

11.A person should drink ............litres of water daily so as to ensure our normal memory power.. 

2.7-3.7,4.2-7.8, 4-8, 2-3

12.Utilising mnemonic devices like elaborate and rehearse , visualise concepts, read out and think aloud are a few tips to help students to memorize. TRUE OR FALSE

13............... is a comprehensive strategy that is used before reading to activate students' prior knowledge and build the curiosity about a new topic. repetition ,brainstorming ,anticipation guide ,prompting

 14.Instead of giving multi step directions ,providing  directions one step at a time is a strategy to tackle problems related to ............fidgetting ,short term memory ,long term memory , working memory,

 15.Using advanced organisers like concept maps, mind maps, anticipation guides or outlines is a strategy to overcome ......problems.    fidgetting ,short term memory ,long term memory , working memory,

16.In order to create a/an ...................... usually start in the middle of the things with the central theme and the from that point you work out ward in all directions to create a growing diagram composed of key words/ phrases/ concepts/ facts and figures. 

  concept map, mind map, anticipation guide , outline

17.Mind mapping is an effective method for generating ideas by ...........priming,distribution,organisation, association,

 18.Preparing mental files or images and gluing them to our body parts like sole,  ankle ,shin and at varoius similiar body parts   is. kown as .. .....  system to remember. loci,body filing,connection mnemonics , acrostics

19.Chaining mnemonic is a form of visualsation with each image connected to the succeeding 

.True or False

20.If you know Shirley ,you can remember the word "curly" by saying "Shirley has a curly hair ".This is called ....  

chaining  mnemonics ,loci , body filing ,connection mnemonics ,



21.. JPEG is an .......... for joint photographic experts group. acronym,acrostics,jingle,loci

22.The most common everyday use of Mnemonics is ......... acronym,acrostics,jingle,loci

23.The first letter from each word is taken to spell out a simple word or phrase  WHICH is called .........


24."Herds of Animals Cause Panic"  is an acronym used to memorize the part of the brain associated with memory.

Here h STANDS for hippocampus , A for amygdala , C- for cerebrum, P for prefrontal cortex.TRUE OR FALSE

 25.WHICH WORD  OF THE FOLLOWING LIST will be easily forgotten ? ( apple, hope,ricul, chance  )

 26.The different  types of encoding which can be remembered by " SAVE " are Semantic Encoding, Acoustic encoding ,Visual encoding, and Enigmatic encoding.TRUE OR FALSE

27."She sells seashells by the seashore" is a sentence where......... helps  to memorize..  

rhyming, assonance, rhythm,alliteration.

28." I wish I could determine pi, 

Eureka cried the great inventor "

From these 2 line  poem , you can write the decimals after three in the vaue of the mathematical constant Pi.

This method is called -acronym,acrostic , jingle,loci

29.An invented word , phrase , sentence or a poem where the first letter of each word is secured to an idea you need to remember is called ...acronym,jingle,loci,acrostics

30.An acronym cannot form a poem or a sentence .True or False. 

31.When you go to a modern Park  and your  car gets parked on level C in space number 5, you might imagine that there are 5 cats waiting in your car for your RETURN. 

The "cats" is for the level C. the "5 "cats are for the space number "5 " .This memory  technique is termed as .........mnemonic. 

visualisation,textual, architectural,chaining

32.visualise ,think , mentally place and visualise is the temporal order of process in loci.TRUE OR FALSE

33.You want to remember a speech .YOU could break up the content of the speech into the images or signs used to memorize its parts which would then be "placed" in the locations previously iternalised.  Which method of memorization is used here ?

..visualisation,textual, architectural,chaining

34. The Greeks and Romans practised mnemonics by mentally placing key points of the speech in locations along familiar routes  through the city of Palace.. This method is known as

visualisation,textual, chaining,loci 

35. Starting verses with alphabetical order, using similar letters in the second position of whole line, starting the new line with the ending word of the previous line  is an  example for ........... method for memorization.. association ,ranking, order , chunking.

36. If we visit  a supermarket a few times ,the arrangment  of keeping different categories items will become familiar to us. The method we use here to remember is 

 ..... association ,ranking, order , mind map

37......................associations are easy to remember.

 (strange , wild , absurd ,usual ).PICK THE ODD ONE OUT.

38. A long text must always be broken up into short segments , numbered  and then memorized,a few pieces at a time. This method is known as ....... association ,ranking, order , chunking..

39.Which book is known as Mnemotechniques?  

Memory in oral traditions ,The art of memory ,The book of memory,Metaphors of memory

40.anger , belief , boredom ,chance , concept  are examples of  ............... words .

abstract , concrete ,  nonsense , architectural.




TEST NO 7.43

41.Generally the words or ideas you had initially and at the last part of the dictation will be remembered more .This is called  primary and recency effect .TRUE OR FALSE

42.Advetising on TV uses music to influence the viewer.The mnemonics related to this process is ..acronym,acrostics,jingle,loci.

43.If a teacher  observes  that  a child has suspected working memory issues what step would he suggest ?

Let the child see a health professional, conduct a cognitive test ,Let the parent  do a self test , Administer WMS .

44.According to Miller ,the typical storage capacity for short term memory is 7 plus or minus 2 items .TRUE OR FALSE

 45.Generally how many words can you remember as part of working memory test  (3,7,8,9 .).. 

46.For a professional evaluation  what memory test is used in India  ...? 

The children's memory scale, Digit Span Memory test, Wechsler Memory Test III,Wechsler Memory Test IV

47.A 25 year old Indian  with suspected memory deficits and recent psychiatric deviations can be assessd with .....test . 

A.WMS III  with Brief Cognitive Status exam ,B.WMS III  without Brief Cognitive Status exam ,

C.WMS IV  with Brief Cognitive Status exam , D.WMS III  with Digit Span Test

48.Children's Memory Scale test takes  30 minuts . True or False..

 49.A Keralite  of 16 years with suspected memory issues will be advised to use ........... test.

 WMS III, WMS IV , CMS ,Digit Span Memory .

 50.Of the following tests, which has an optional cognitive exam ?.. WMS III, WMS IV , CMS ,Digit Span Memory

51.A child will be given about 3 minutes to memorize a list of a few numbers. After a few minutes .He will be asked to repeat the numbers .Then  a number will be added and the test repeated until the child can no longer recall the numbers correctly.. Which test is using this process ?

WMS III, WMS IV , CMS ,Digit Span Memory

52.Which test provides standard score index scores for auditory memory, visual memory ,and visual working memory... WMS III, WMS IV , CMS ,Digit Span Memory... 

53.Which test focuses only on the declarative memory system.. WMS III, WMS IV , CMS ,Digit Span Memory...

 54.A very quick and easy to use widely available test for cognitive assessment .is .......... 

Mini Cog , Mini Mental State Exam ,Montreal Cognitive Assessment.. 

55.  Which test is better  to assess serious cognitive problems ? 

Mini Cog , Mini Mental State Exam ,Montreal Cognitive Assessment.. 

56.Which test includes a three word list of objects and drawing a clock... Mini Cog , Mini Mental State Exam ,Montreal Cognitive Assessment.. 

57.Which of the follwing symptoms does  not warrant cognitive testing ?

losing your train of thought in between conversations , increased irritability, having trouble  in recalling words that is usually known., screen time is more than 8 hours a day .

.58. Which testing is used to check a child's working memory with numbers ...?. 

WMS  , CMS ,Digit Span Memory...

59.Which of the following test does not use drawing of a shape / object.. Mini Cog , Mini Mental State Exam ,Montreal Cognitive Assessment.. , 

60.Which of the following tests is used to assess mild cognitive impairment  ..?. 

Mini Cog , Mini Mental State Exam ,Montreal Cognitive Assessment.. ,CMS




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