പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Revision qns paper 1 MODULE 6

 Revision qns paper 1 MODULE 6

6.1/3 .1    

Effort of limiting or reducing the effects of disability that is already present is called
1 point
2.The layer of blastocyst which will later become the muscle and skeletal system is called
1 point
3.When eyes are formed during pregnancy?
1 point
4.Toddler age is
1 point
5.By the end of third month of gestation, weight of fetus will be around
1 point
6.Normal length of a 1 year old child is
1 point

6 .1/1 1,2,7,8 

7. One  CV SOUND may be  called a......... sound.( biblical, canonical, undifferentiated, differentiated )

8. The average weight of an egg is ( 25, 50, 80,100 )

9 .  Gestational age begins with the ........ day of a woman’s last menstrual period.(first , last, tenth, second )

10. Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) is a commonly-used screening tool for children aged -------(  4,7,10,14 )   

6.11 2

11..If "HWP CF LCW"  is the acronym for the basic virtues of the eight stages of psychosocial development by Erik Erikson , the first 'H" stands for Hope, whereas the  'W' given last  stands for ................ (a) Weight (b) Wisdom (c) Will (d) Wellness 

6.12  2,11,13,15

12. Denver Development Screen Test is a commonly used screening tool for children age 7 to 12 years. True or False 

13. Embryonic period of development is ........ weeks .A. 0 to 2 B. 3 to 8 ,C. 9 to birth D.0-8

14.......... is the sum total of the traits potentially present in the fertilized ovum .A.environment B.development C.heredity D.Gene 

15 .A a segment of a DNA that provides the cord to construct a protein. A .gene B.chromosome. C.trait D.ovum 

6.13 11

16. Major defects of the body and internal organs ,if any ,are likely to occur between .......... fetus /embryo weeks (a) 3-16 (b) 3-12 (c) 3-6 (d) 3-8

6.14  4,5,6,,15,16

17.. A child uses simple single words by................(a)  3 months(b) 6 months  (c) 9 months (d) 1 to 2 years 

18. A child begins to use words together by ....(a)  2-3 years (b) 3-5 years  (c) 9 months (d) 1 to 2 years 

19. A child uses simple sentences by ...........(a)  2-3 years (b) 3-5 years  (c) 9 months (d) 1 to 2 years 

20..What to do if you find the child is falling behind in play and development  ?

-guided play, lots of stimulation , interaction with other children and  speak to the child .TRUE OR FALSE 

21.The child begins to feed himself by ....(a)  12 months (b) 6 months (c) 9 months (d) 2 years

6.15 4,5,6,7,15,16

22.Abilities and skills to make a conscious choice or decision is a...... need .

a. intellectual b. emotional c.volitional d.spiritual 

23. Models for problem solving and thinking is a psychological need .True / False

24.UN convention on the rights of the child was ratified in India in ....a.1989 b. 1992 c. 1963 d .2016

25. ( i ) Children's needs are universal 

(ii) Fulfillment of needs are essential for children's optimal health and development 

(iii) Children cannot fulfill their needs without added support 

(v) Adults have responsibilities and  obligations to meet children's needs and rights

 Which of the above sentence are not true  ? A. i B. ii C. iii and iv  D. none 

26. The classroom implication of MASLOW's theory is that ...............................

(a) students must feel valued and respected 

(b) the self esteem of a student must be strengthened 

(c) basic physiological needs should be met first before satisfying cognitive needs

(d)  tired and hungry students will be highly motivated to focused learning .

Which of the above statements is not true ?

27. Safety needs is more important than cognitive needs according to MASLOW's theory.True / False

6.16  7,13,14

28.The first words are uttered by a normal child at ......... months A.0-3;B.6-10;C.8-18 ;D.22-48

29. An average term baby is ....... cm long .   A.12,B.40, C.50, D.60 

30. If a 6 year old child is 70 cm tall , there is a growth delay  .True or False

31. What should do when a child/person suffering from low voltage

electric shock

 Act to break the contact

 ..............................................

32.What are the first aid steps for severe bleeding?

 Remove any clothing or debris on the wound

 ......................................

 Help the injures person lie down

 Don’t remove the gauze or bandage

33. What should do when a person have a minor burn?

 Cool the burn

 .....................................

 Don’t break blisters

 Apply lotion

34.What should do when a person is having major burns?

 Remove jewelry, belts and other restrictive items

 Cover the area of the burn

 Don’t immerse large severe burns in water

 Elevate ............................

6.23 17

35.. R.I.C.E is a procedure to follow severe muscular strain in which (a) R stands  for "rest" ,(b)I for "ice pack" ,(c) C for  "compression" and (d) E for " elevation of the head ".

6.31 12,13

36. Exceptional children consist mainly of children with LD .( True or False )

37.    .......  children do well in the studies naturally without much effort.

(a) bright  (b) talented   (c) gifted (d)  disabled 

6.32  25,26,35

38. A student with outstanding abilities in Geography can be termed as ...........

 (a) talented (b)bright  (c) twice exceptional  (d) gifted 

39. Documented performance or achievements in top 10% or rarer is related to ............ individuals .

(a) talented (b)bright  (c) twice exceptional  (d) gifted 

40. Which of the following might be useful for accommodating slow learners while teaching a novel to high school students ? Distributing  (i)  the  work sheets with visuals of family trees of the characters involved (ii) timelines of the plot  (iii)  images of historical maps (iv) the cartoon named "Conjunction junction"  from 'Schoolhouse Rocks !' 

(a) all of the above (b) i and ii  only (c) i,ii and iii (d) iv only



1. 2 .3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30

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