പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Objective Type Q PAPER 2 C03 ;Chapter 3 / Module 2 BY CKR

Objective Type Q PAPER 2 CO3 ;Chapter 3 / Module 2 BY  CKR

21Select the statement which is not true from the those given BELOW

1.  Neuropsychological tests are designed to evaluate speed of information, processing attention ,memory ,language executive functions which are necessary for goal directed behavior. 

2..Hearing begins in utero but the central auditory system continues to develop for at least the first 10 years. 

3.Working memory is part of the memory that actively holds many pieces of information for short amounts of time and manipulates them. 

4.There is no  link between working memory and attentional capture. 

5.Language-based learning disabilities or LBLD are cauesd by brain damage or a structural development of brain , usually at birth.

( a ) 3 (b) 4  (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 5.

22. Metacognition is ................

( a ) thinking about screening (b)thinking about recognition  (c) thinking about monitoring(d) thinking about thinking (e) thinking about measurement.

23.  ..... is an active process of three steps - hearing,understanding and judging.

( a ) screening (b) listening  (c)communication (d) active listening (e) comprehension.

24.  The following may be the symptoms of ....................(1) the child is confused with written symbols like  those  for plus ,minus ,multiplication, less than, greater than etc..,(2) has problem while  writing within the margins or on lines, (3) misjudging distances (4) the child has a problem in differentiating colors / similarly shaped letters

( a ) APD (b)VPD (c)PDD(d) NVLD(e) ADHD

25. meaningful sensation.

( a ) attention (b) inception (c)perception(d)working memory (e) reception.

26.  ...........................  puts forth that we reduce information that is less relevant and that we do not filter it out completely.

( a ) Attenuation theory (b) Attention theory (c) Filter model (d) Metacognition (e) Information reduction.

27.Give a paragraph of  80 words to a child.Ask her /him to cut a particuar letter (say ,e)  within 2 minutes.Count the number of letters cut - as A.(By the time the child is expected to about  40 words.) Next  2 minutes the child should round up the letters she/he couldn't cut off. and count it as B. Then percentage of attention span is calculated using the formula- A *100 / (A + B). The score must not be less than ........%. If the child does not perform upto this expected level of attention,remedies are to be given.

( a ) 96 (b) 69s (c) 95 (d) 98 (e) 89

28.Which among the following is an intelligence test for children used in indian context ?

(a) Develpmental Screening Test (b) NIMHAN'S INDEX FOR SLD (c) Children's Apperception Test (CAT) (d) PGI Battery of Brain Dysfunctiion .( e )  Draw A Man Test for Indian Children

29. Select the statement which is not true.

( a ) A child with APD can not hear sounds clearly (b)A child with APD can not intrepret information clearly (c) A child with APD can not process information clearly d)A child with APD have a nomal structure of the outer,inner and middle ears (e) A child with APD have dysfunction in their central nervous system.

30.An important component of ............... is the ability to evaluate one's own behavior and behave differently while identifying inappropriate behavior or mistakes.Activitating this skill can develop self awareness and the ability to self assess.

( a ) perception (b) attention (c) metacognition (d) real listening (e) working memory.



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