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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Objective Type Q PAPER 3 C 04 ;Chapter 1-3 / Module 3 BY CKR

 Objective Type Q PAPER 3 C 04 ;Chapter 1-3 / Module 3 BY  CKR

31No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is a U S. Act  to provide full support for children with disabilities for their total development .Select the statement(s) which is true about NCLB .

(1) It provides for high-quality academic assessment every year 

(2) It ensures accountability , academic standards and  full inclusion of children with the LD 

(3) It  prescribes to get the scientific structural methods ,curriculum materials and intervention

(4) It provides for  intervention early identification of LD and ongoing monitoring 

(5) It provides individualised documentation of student outcomes..

( a ) all  (b) 1,2,3 and 4 (c)  1,2 and 3 (d)  1and 2(e) 1 only

32. Select the statement(s)  which is/ are  true .

(1)Individualized education plan is a basic document for providing remedial education and the other supports for the children with learning disabilities... 

(2) Remedial education plan  is a basic document for providing individualized education plan and other support for the children with learning disabilities.... 

(3) Special education plan is a basic document for providing individualized education plan and the remedial education for the children with learning disabilities. 

( a ) 1,2 (b) 2,3 (c) 1,3 (d) 1 (e) 2

33. Which among the follwing is not a sub skill of communication skill while writing for IEP ?

 (a) Non-Verbal communication ,Speech reading (b) amplification ,Multi sound ,Articulation (c) processes and concepts (d) Auditory training and Social comminication (e) Fluency ,Voice

34............................... is key to make sure the individualised education programme is working for a child.

( a ) The Ajenda of IEP  (b)The IEP record  (c) Special Education (d) The IEP meeting .(e)the PTA meeting.

35. Which is not a subskill  of mathematical ability  while writing IEP besides  math readiness and  basic number system ? 

 ( a ) advanced number systems   (b) sensory awareness(c) basic measurement (d)  advanced measurement (e) money mansagement   .

36. Select the staement(s)  which is/are  not true

(1).Writing the topic ,General adjectives ,specific objectives, the present level of functioning ,materials required,procedure and feedback are all  part of IEP writing..

(2).. In every Government / Govt aided school in Kerala,  special educators and  specialists are posted under the SSA project. They are available to provide  special support for the chilen with special learning needs every working day.

(3). Advance organizers are accommodations to help the child transfer and  maintain new skills..

( a ) All  (b) none of these  (c) 1 (d) 2 (e) 3

37. In an IEP review meeting the following points are discussed in addition to the child's strengths .


(a) parents' concerns and suggestions for improving the child's education ,

(b) how well modifications and accommodations are helping .

(c) the results of the child's first or most  recent evaluation,

(d) any changes required  to the IEP.

 (e) the parents' right to ask for another meeting.

38. ................ represents the achievements anticipated  for  a child in an academic year while preapring an IEP.

( a ) The Ajenda of IEP  (b) Specific Objectives (c)  Instructional  Planning (d) Procedure (e)The Annual Goals

 39.Who can interpret  the student's evaluation and test results in an IEP ?

( a )  a school representative  (b) the school psychologist / other specialist (c) the transalator (d) the special educator (e) the child's teacher

40. Select the arguments which are always appropriate.

The reward given to the student during an IEP ........

(1)  can be a verbal praise like "good job !"

(2)  can be a non verbal praise like a pat on the back

(3) must be given only after the programme.

(4) must be expensive gifts

( a ) all  (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 (d)  3 (e) 4



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