പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020



31.Children with executive function problems and handwriting issues...  may have interventions that foster  ....skills 

(a) language development (b) metacognitive  (c) behavioural

32.A student has problem with the building blocks, puzzles ,tying shoes ,writing and drawing .His problem may be due to..

(a)  Apraxia  (b) Aphasia  (c) dyslexia

33.The moveable alphabet is used to show the relation of  

(a) morphemes and words (b) phonemes and words  (c) grammar and syntax

34. – ----  is the most complex academic task. 

(a) speaking (b) reading  (c) writing

35.Therauptic  sensory program will address ..........................

(a) SPD (b) ADHD  (c) ADD

36.To avoid skipping lines , students can be encouraged to use ...... 

(a) slant board (b) line guide  (c) graph paper

37.Written expressions are related to the whole brain especially 

(a) the frontal lobe (b) Wenicke's area.  (c) cerebral cortex

38. Templates to note down  like A visual web ,A story line,  List of 'Wh' questions can be helpful for children with problems in ... 

(a) writing  (b) reading.  (c) math

39.Kidspiration or inspiration or other webbing strategies are for help in ....

(a) writing  (b) reading.  (c) math


When should a student with dyslexia be asked to  read a text ? 

(a) in a class 

(b) when alone with the teacher 

 (c) at home with preselected reading material.

41.If you suspect expressive or receptive language problems ,have the child tested by  

(a) linguist (b) speech and language pathologist.  (c) psychologist

42.Assisted close, choral reading ,peer reading are  strategies to help reading which may last for ... minutes a day.

(a) 5-10 (b) 30-40.  (c) 10-15 

43.While encouraging a student with dyslexia to use a calculator, he should also be trained to ............................................ his calculations..

(a) read aloud  (b) write down  (c) estimate and  check

44.Rapid recognition of sight words is a key foundation skill that supports the development of ............ fluency.

(a) visualising (b) writing  (c) reading ..

45. the most common vowel sound in spoken English... 

(a) /e/ (b) schwa  (c) /u:/

46.Spelling patterns where in two letters are used to represent a vowel sound are called 

(a) digraphs  (b) rimes  (c) .onsets

47.Franklin speller is an electronic speller which improvises ...... .

(a) semantics (b) grammar  (c) syntax

48. " See, read Naturally " is a systematic program that incorporates (a)Assisted cloze (b) paired reading  (c) choral reading

49.Teachers say to the children that  a ....... says its name

(a) rime (b) short vowel  (c) long vowel.

50.Teaching of sight words is according to  ....approach

(a) synthetic phonic (b) whole language   (c) analytic phonic

51.There are scientific materials and activities in Montessori method for children with sensory processing disorder. 

52.Echo reading is a strategy to boost student reading fluency .

53.SPD(SENSORY...DISORDER) is NOT a recognized neurological problem. 

54.A child with autism spectrum does not benefit much from Montessori method... 

55.When using mental arithmetic to a student with dyslexia ,he should never be allowed to jot down the key number(s) or appropriate mathematical signs. 

56. Cut out window is a strategy for completing math worksheets for students with visual deficits.

57.Students with visual deficits may have letter reversal issues..

58. Grammar and syntax is not related to Broca's area.. 

59.Children need to practise keyboarding in computers before using them for handwriting and spelling problems..

60.Writing  "q"  for the letter "p" is a directional error.. 

61.Talking skills ensure the writing skills... 

62.Children with ADHD ,Depression and Anxiety are likely to struggle with written expressions.

63.Vowels are called the music of the language.

64.Red pens need not be used to mark the work of a student with dyslexia...

65. DOLCH Word list  a list of frequently used English words compiled by E W Dolch.  

66.Cursive joined style of writing is NOT helpful for children with dyslexia problems.

67. Spelling is  an indication of low intelligence...

68.Proof reading helps correction of spelling. 

69.The vowel 'schwa'  is  taught in elementary school . 

70.Earobics step one is a computer game motivating phonics and phonemic awareness.

71.Teaching sounds in isolation can start with the children  of 8 years.

72.Ability grouping for reading instruction is  a beneficial system.

73. Rime is the initial sound of a word

74. A  consonant is a voiced sound

75.Colored overlays and glasses help children with visual stress.


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