പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Formal Assessment Procedure of Assessment of SLD


To assess the strength and weakness

To map out future remedial work

Three types of assessment

1. Neuro pedagogical

2. Neuro Psychological

3. Medical

Neuro pedagogical Assessment

To be done by teachers/ Psychologist/Counselor

Areas to check:

1. Communication and interaction in social environment

2. Progress in lessons (Learning)

3. Reading ability & comprehension

4. Writing ideas and spelling ability

5. Strategies for work

Neuro psychological Assessment

1 Presenting complaints

2 History of complaints from which age - Improving or deteriorating?

3. Developmental History Pre, peri, post natal development

4. Milestones Gross and fine Motor, Speech, Social

5. Play, behavior & Interest

6. Psycho social situations-Type of family, siblings, rivalry

7. School history-Age of admission, Course of study, School change etc.

8. Previous consultations

Medical Assessment

To be checked by:


Child psychologist or Neurologist

Medical history of the child and background

Physical examination

Fine motor skills

General/Gross motor skills

Co-ordination, Balance

Muscle tone

Automatization of movement

Motor planning and conscious movements


Lateral thinking


Mental stamina

Psychological testing


Social and adaptive functioning

Behavioral assessment

Academic skill assessment

Personality, temperamental assessment

Neuropsychological assessment

Intelligence and ability testing

Seguin form board test (Nonverbal test of performance of Intelligence) 3% to 20 yrs.

Motor performances Speed test- scoring based on motor performance to find PQ

Preferment's Quotient (PQ) = Performance age Chronological age (CA) X 100

WISC IV: 10 Subtests + optional tests

4 indices to be used

a) Perceptual reasoning index,

b) Processing speed index

c)Verbal comprehension index

d) Working memory index or

i. Full scale 1Q

Adaptive functioning:

Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS- Malin 1963) to get social age and social quotient. (CA+SA=SQ)

(sQ 120/Above = Socially Skilled and having good relationship.)

a) Self-help-General

b) Self-help- eating

c) Self-help- Dressing

d) Socialization

e) Locomotors skills


g) Occupations

Vineland adaptive behavior scale (VABS) for the following domains:

a) Communication

b) Daily living


d) Motor skills

e) Adaptive behavior

Academic skill assessment

NIMHANS Battery for SLD (5 to 7 yrs).

a) Attention- (simple/ double colour cancellation tests)

b) Visual discrimination (ldentifying similar figure, letter,number. Word and shape)

c)Visual Memory ( memorizing a row of pictures)

d) Auditory discrimination( Recognizing 20 similar words after hearing)

e) Auditory memory ( Repeating 8 sentences after hearing one by one)

f) Speech and Language( Saying about a familiar object/ picture)


g) Visual Motor skills ( Copy a picture exactly what he/she sees)

h) Writing skills

i) (Writing capital and small letters and numbers up to 20; letters and numbers before and


Test of Arithmetic ability (Bhasi 2002) 7 to 12 yrs.

Criteria 2 SD below normal

Performance below two classes

Scoring in the lowest 10-20% in an achievement test for reading, Spelling and Maths.

NIMHANS Battery level I (8-12 Yrs)

a) Attention test (canceling all 3s and 4s from a group of numbers given)

b) Language: Reading( reading clearly and loudly a paragraph given Caps; answer questions

and spell words from a few paras given for each std. separately)

c)Language : Writing; copying and answers to questions

d) Language: Comprehension

e) Spelling test (Schonell's list)

Maths test

Vasomotor skill (Bender - Gestalt test)

To assesses visual-motor functioning.

developmental disorders, and n

eurological impairments in children ages 3 and older and adults.

(The test consists of nine index cards picturing different geometric designs. The cards are

presented individually and test subjects are asked to copy the design before the next card is

shown. Test results are scored based on the accuracy and organization of the reproductions.)

B) Auditory and visual processing (Discrimination and memory)

h) Reading, writing, spelling and comphrention

i) Speech and language including (auditory behavior receptive language) and verbal


Arithmetic (Addition, Subtration, Multiplication, Division & Fraction)

Other formal assessment

Informal reading inventory (DST-J)

Behavioral checklist for screening LD

Cognitive processing test

Language disability scale

Linguistic profile test-Malayalam version (Kamath)

Informal tests

1. Pre- reading skills

a) Ability to read pictures

b) Completing rhymes

c)ldentifying non rhyming words

d) Distinguishing verbal from nonverbal sounds

e) Recognize similar form different sound

fStore and rectory sounds learned

2. Reading-

a) Letters,

b) Words-3- letter, 4 - letter, bisyllabic, Multi syllabic,

c)Sentence tone, fluency, pauses,

d) Reading comprehension.

3. Writing

a) Letters,

 b) Words,

c) Sentence

d) Spontaneous writing

4. Math

a) Mental calculation

b Written calculation

c Word problems Reading and comprehension, Reasoning and problem solve

Signs looking for reading

Letters slowness, confusing, visually similar letters (b-d; n-m)

Words-Omission (Bake as Bak)

Blending difficulty (Parrot as paart)

Phonological error (change as chays, fashion as fashun)

Confusing visually similar words (Mike- Make)

Sequential error-Saw-was)

Sentence tone - Monotonus, Slow rate, No sense of punctuations, loosing plce

Passages-Reading comprehension-poor (Less than 40%)

Writing-letters mirror writing (b as d)

Inversions (M as W)

Reversals (6 as 9-21 as 12, on as no)

Dictation- Words- past, paste

a. Substitution Milk, Mike

b. Phonological error Rashon for ration)

C. Distrotion- Jaison for lesion

d. Addition - neate for neat

Copying- letter by letter, syllable level, word level or scentence level

Spontaneous writing- Evaluation on

a. Content,

b. Accuracy

C. Semantics

d. Syntax

Maths - Counting, Slowness, Confusion lack of 1 to 1 correspondents

Persistence on finger use, over dependence on finger

difficulty with double count, mental calculations

Word problems, reading skill & comprehension, poor reasoning, confusion what to do, how to

do, why to do,

Calculations difficulty in multi digit calculation, forgetting algorithms, calculations error, no

place value, process, accuracy no estimation.

Behavioral measures-ADHD, ADD

Conner's abbreviated rating scale (Total of more than 15 items in suggestive of ADHD/ADD.

Personality temperament assessment

Achievement test-Wood cock Johnson test IV 2 to 90 yrs.

Verbal & visual only. To test

General intelligence ability, cognitive ability, scholastic attitude, oral language, academic


Wechsler individual achievement test (Wait)

Attention test-

a) Selective attention

b) Sustained attention

c ) Divided attention

motor function

motor speed

motor coordination test

hand taping test

Memory test


.........compiled by -RP group,CMLD  and DMLD course

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