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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Foods with synthetic dyes affect behavior of ADHD

Red Dye No. 3 Banned in CA, Linked to Behavioral Problems


California ( USA ) is the first state to ban four food additives, including Red Dye No. 3, due to potential health risks. ADHD experts and food safety advocates urge the FDA to issue a nationwide ban.

There is enough evidence that food dyes affect behavior in some sensitive children with ADHD (and other children without the condition) to justify warning labels on foods containing synthetic dyes,” Nigg told ADDitude.

Concerns about increasing rates of ADHD and other behavioral disorders prompted the California Legislature to ask the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to conduct a food dye assessment in 2021. Its report, titled Health Effects Assessment: Potential Neurobehavioral Effects of Synthetic Food Dyes in Children, found links between several dyes and hyperactivity in children. The report argues that current federal levels for safe intake of synthetic food dyes may not sufficiently protect children’s behavioral health.

According to the OEHHA report, the FDA’s Acceptable Daily Intake levels (ADIs) for synthetic food dyes are based on 35- to 70-year-old studies that were not designed to detect the types of behavioral effects observed in children today. Comparisons with newer studies indicate that the current ADIs may not adequately protect children from the behavioral effects of some dyes, and suggest they should be lowered.2

How to Avoid Red Dye No. 3

In the meantime, Nigg advises children with ADHD to avoid foods containing food dyes — an admittedly difficult task. According to the Environmental Working Group’s Eat Well Guide, Red Dye No. 3 is used in nearly 3,000 products, including sodas, juices, yogurts, snacks, candy, frostings, instant rice and potato products, cereals, and boxed cake mixes. It is also used in medications including Vyvanse. 5

“Parents are well-advised to remove food dyes from their child’s diet if they can,” Nigg said. “It is on the list of things to try to do — along with other health actions like a healthy diet, exercise, and lower stress. I encourage parents to do what they can knowing it’s hard to do it all. Every bit can help.”

To start, Nigg suggests steering clear of most processed and packaged foods.

Eat whole foods found on the perimeter of the grocery store — eggs, milk, cottage cheese, meat and poultry, nuts and seeds, fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes,” he said. “Families should also be cautious when buying seemingly ‘healthy’ foods, some of which contain synthetic dyes: pickles, flavored oatmeal, salad dressing, peanut butter, and microwave popcorn, for example. Synthetic dyes are also in toothpaste, medication, and cosmetics. Parents should read all product labels closely.”

To check for the presence of Red Dye No. 3, look at a product’s ingredient lists for “FD&C Red #3” and look for dyes in the “inactive ingredients” section for medications.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has also advised parents to limit foods that often contain synthetic dyes, such as sugary drinks, juices, and candy, that may affect children’s behavior

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