പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Outline for a Screening Report prepared by CKR

Outline for a Screening Report  PREPARED BY CKR 


1.Gross and Fine Motor skills :   

We have observed that ......................................(Name of the student)  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,.......................................

.........................( Name of  the student ) appears awkward and clumsy .  He / She  drops / spills or knocks  things over .( He /She).................(has / has no ) success with games and activities that demand eye hand coordination ( Example :  throwing and collecting balls ,piano lessons ,basketball ,baseball ) ..( He /She)..............( has / has no ) trouble with buttons ,hook, snaps ,zippers and has trouble learning to tie shoes ..............................(He / She) creates artwork that is ( immature /mature ) for age. ...........  demonstrates poor ability to color . ..( He /She)..............can / cannot  write within the lines graphs pencil ..................holds awkwardly resulting in poor handwriting . .( He /She).........experiences difficulty using small objects or items that demand precision ( Example : Legos , puzzle pieces , tweezers ,scissors ) .....( He /She).................. dislikes and avoids writing and drawing tasks .More over.....( He /She).....................................

2.Language (Speech and Understanding )

We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,...............................................

.........(Name )..............................demonstrates early delays in learning to speak .......( He /She)..........................has difficulty modulating voice ( example too soft / to loud )...........has trouble naming people or objects ......................has difficulty staying on topic inserts invented words in the conversation ......................has difficulty retelling what just being said.................................... uses very imprecise language and has a limited vocabulary ......................demonstrates slow and halting speech using lots of fillers (example uh ,um,and you know ,so )  ..................... uses poor grammar or misuses words in conversation ..........mispronounces words frequently .............confuses words with others that sound similar ......................inserts malapropisms like slips of the tongue into conversation (example a rolling stone gathers no "Moss "instead of "most"/  he was a man of great "statue" instead of " stature "  .........has difficulty in rhyming ..........has limited interest in books or stories ...... has difficulty in understanding instructions or directions................ has trouble understanding idioms, proverbs colloquialisms , humour or puns) ................................ has difficulty with pragmatic skills (example does not understand the relationship between speaker and listener .....does not stay  on topic- does not  gauge the listener's degree of knowledge-........ can not make / makes inferences based on a speaker's verbal and nonverbal cues. Besides, ..........


We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,............................................

...( He /She)...........confuses similar-looking letters and numbers
.......... has difficulty recognizing and remembering sight words
............frequently loses place while reading confuses similar-looking words example beard bread reverses letter order in words examples of dwarfs
.........demonstrates poor memory for printed words
...........has weak comprehension of ideas and teams
...........has significant trouble learning to read
..............has trouble naming letters has problems associating letter and sounds understanding the difference between sounds in words or blending sounds into words and familiar words rather than using word analysis skills
 .......reads slowly substitutes or leaves out words while reading has poor attention of new vocabulary ........dislikes and avoids reading or reads reluctantly cannot read with correct pronunciation

 4.Written Language 

We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,................................................

.( He /She)................dislikes  and avoids writing and copying  / identifiable problems with writing and copying .   ................demonstrates delays in learning to copy and right .............writing is messy and in complete with many cross outs  and erasers
.................... has / has no difficulty remembering shapes of letters and numerals
.................. frequently reverses letters , numbers and symbols........... uses an even spacing between letters and words .........has / has no  trouble staying on the line copies in accurately example
............. confuses / does not confuse similar-looking letters and numbers spelled properly and inconsistently (example the same word .............appears / does not appear  differently other places in the same document.
 ............has / has no difficulty in  proof reading and self-correcting work .
............has / has no difficulty in preparing outlines and organizing written assignments
................fails to develop /develops ideas in writing so return work is incomplete into breathe
............does not express / expresses written ideas in a disorganized way other points if any


We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,.....................................

 ( He /She)..has difficulty with simple counting and one-to-one correspondence between number symbols and items or objects .......
.....has difficulty mastering  number knowledge (example recognition of quantities without Counting0 ......has difficulty with learning and memorizing  basic addition and subtraction facts ............has difficulty in learning strategic counting principles( example : 2/ 5 / 10/100
....poorly aligns  numbers resulting in computational errors ......... has difficulty in  estimating (example quantity value)   ........ has difficulty with  comparisons ( example less than / greater than)...... has trouble telling time ............. has trouble conceptualizing the passage of time .............has difficulty counting rapidly or making calculations................... has trouble learning multiplication tables formulas and rules........... has trouble interpreting graphs and charts .............has trouble with symbols like "x " "+" / greater than /less than / %/@/=  / ^/  )      (( He /She)..)

6.Social or Emotional

We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,..............................................

 ..........does not pick up on other people's mood or feelings example........... may say the wrong thing at the wrong time ............may not detect or respond appropriately to teasing ............has difficulty joining in and maintaining positive social status in the peer group............. has trouble knowing how to share express feelings............. has trouble getting to the point example ........gets bogged down in details in conversation........ has difficulty with self-control when frustrated........ has difficulty in dealing with group pressure / embarrassment /unexpected challenges ..........has trouble setting realistic social goals ......has trouble evaluating personal social strengths and doubtful of own abilities and is prone to attribute successes to luck or outside influences rather than hard work ........( He /She)..


We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,.....................................
..( He /She)......... fails to pay close attention to details .......makes careless mistakes in school work  or other activities ........................ has difficulty sustaining attention in work tasks or play activities ............................does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish school work or duties in the workplace................ has difficulty organizing tasks and activities and
..................avoids /  dislikes /   is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort such as homework and organizing work tasks . ................loses things consistently that are necessary for tasks / activities ( example toys /School assignments / pencils /books or tools) is easily distracted by outside influences....... he /she is  forgetful in daily routine activities .

8.Other areas 

We have observed that .......................................  has ( a few difficulties / no problems ) in the area ,..........................

..........( He /She)....... confuses left and right,,,,,,,,,,,,, has a poor sense of direction ...........slow to learn the way around a new place ...........easily lost or confused in unfamiliar surroundings............. finds it hard to judge speed and distance (example had to play certain games / drive a car ) has trouble in  reading charts and Maps ....... is disorganized and poor at planning ...........often loses things slow to learn new games and master puzzles.............. has difficulty in listening and taking notes at the same time   .......... performs inconsistently on tasks from one day to the next............ has difficulty generalizing or applying skills from one situation to another .Moreover .....

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