പ്രത്യേക പഠന പരിമിതി പിന്തുണാ കേന്ദ്രം ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട ക്ലാസുകൾ എടുക്കാൻ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന എല്ലാ ഫാക്കൽറ്റിമാർക്കും ( രമ ,പദ്‌മജ ,വൈഷ്ണ , ആശാലത ,ഷീബ , ഡോ. അഞ്ജു,പ്രസീത ,നിത്യ ,ദിവ്യ ദാമോദരൻ, ബിജിമ , ഷിൽന , പവിത്രൻ, ദേവദാസ്,രാജേന്ദ്രൻ ) അഭിവാദ്യങ്ങൾ.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020



111.......... refers to a process aimed at enabling persons with disabilities  to reach and maintain their optimal physical sensory intellectual psychiatric or social function levels.

(a) Training (b) Rehabilitation.  (c) Intervention

112. Rehabilitation of physical impairments by training and strengthening a patient's large muscles  is called.... 

(a) Physio therapy.. (b) Behavior therapy  (c) Psycho therapy..

113.A series of conversations between a counselor and a client is  termed as 

(a) talk therapy (b) psycho therapy (c) socio therapy

114.Helping people to overcome problems such as depression ,anxiety and anger is called as 

(a)cognitive behavior therapy. (b) behavior therapy. (c) psycho therapy

115. A child cannot pick up her food to finger feed.. Who can work with her?... 

(a) psycho therapist (b) physio therapist  (c) occupational therapist

116. Disorders referring to the impairment of attention, memory, reasoning, awareness and executive functions require.....therapy.

(a) cognitive behavoiur  (b) cognitive communication (c) psycho

117.Some children are over sensitive to certain types of stimulation.They require....................................therapy

(a) cognitive communication (b) cognitive behavoiur    (c) Sensory integration 

118.The teaching of reading, spelling, and writing and written expression problems can be done in...

(a) educational therapy  (b) socio therapy  (c) academic language therapy

119. Which among the following is  not an  example of augmentative communication

(a) Facial expressions(b) Gestures. (c) Oral speech.

120.Select the improper factor.

The problems with children with ADHD result from  

(a)  Neurological issues (b) the result of coping strategies they develop

  (c) learning disabilities

 121...... uses psychological techniques that encourage the mastery of tasks.

(a) Psycho therapy (b) Behavioral therapy (c) Physical therapy

122.The gum between the tip of your nose and upper lip is called GV 26 according to ....

(a) acupressure therapy. (b) orofacial therapy  (c) myofunctional therapy

123.Which among the following does not need physio therapy ?

(a) Mental health problems  (b) Multiple sclerosis.  (c) Dementia

124.All forms of communication other than oral speech that are used to express ideas are called 

(a) augmentative  communication  

(b) Social communication  (c) Speech and language

125....... in speaking means how well people can understand your child speaks.

(a) articulation (b) fluency (c) Intelligibility

126.Which of the following therapies offers  educational services for clients in the arenas of reading,spelling,handwritting and written expressions .

(a) academic language therapy (b) educational therapy (c) speech language therapy.

127. Which therapy has the  following factors (1) a series of meetings (2) longer duration (3) resolves underlying issues for an ongoing crisis.

(a)Psychotherapy (b) Counselling  (c) Social therapy

128.Individualized intervention, formal and informal assessment of academic skills and case management for clients with a wide range of learning disabilities and learning issues are provided by ..............

(a) academic language therapy (b) educational therapy (c) speech language therapy.

129.The action of restoring someone to   normal health or normal life 

(a) Intervention (b) Rehabilitation (c) Therapy

130.Who among the following therapists has to go to training in a wide range of  learning disabilities.  ?

(a) Educational (b) Academic language (c) Counselling.


131.If a child has ADHD, study with music on in the background may be allowed.

132.Children suffering from cerebral palsy can NOT benefit from Physiotherapy.

133.Physical Therapy does not deal with the visual perception skills .

134.Psychological therapies are used in people with  learning disability... 

135.Psychotherapy can help students with ADHD

136.SLP can intervene with cognitive communication skills.

137.Tongue thrust is not a myofunctional disorder..

138.SLD is  included in the PWD act 1995.

139.The children with disabilities need academic support and different kinds of treatments and Therapies

140 .Re-patterning of the oral and facial muscles is called orofacial myofunctional therapy...

141.when the children hear the sound - /b/ they write the letter 'b'.Which is the skill assocated to this activity ?

(a) phonemic  skill (b) phonic skill  (c) phonological skill.

142. The word cat is seperated into /k/, /ae/ /t/.Which is the skill assocated to this activity ?

(a) phonemic skill (b) phonic skill  (c) phonological  skill.

143. The student counts words in a sentence,counts syllables,blends onsets and rimes ,recognises rhyming words,says sounds in isolation.

Which is the skill assocated to these activities ?

(a) phonemic awareness skill (b) phonemic skill  (c) 

phonological  skill.

144.Segmenting sounds in a syllable,blending sounds,sound substitiution,sound switchingare all part of ...skills

(a) phonemic awareness skill (b) phonemic skill  (c) 

phonological awareness skill.

145.A unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word is called.....

(a) a syllable (b) a grapheme  (c) a morpheme

146. A  written represenation of a sound is called .....

(a) a syllable (b) a grapheme  (c) a phoneme

147.A meaningful unit of  sound is called -------

(a) a morpheme (b) a grapheme  (c) a phoneme

148.Which of the following activity is a phonemic  skill ?

(a) generating rhyming words (b) blending onset  and rime, (c) identifying and manipulating individual phonemes

149.Decoding in phonics approach is

(a) seperating (b) blending (c) articulating

150.Teaching the relationship between sounds and the letters associated with them is termed as....instruction

(a) phonics  (b) phonological  (c) phonemic

141.B  142.A143.C144.C145.A146.B 147.A148.C149.A 150.A

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